Xuetong Zhang obtained his Ph.D. degree from Beijing Institute of Technology (2002). From 2002 to 2004, he did postdoctoral research in Peking University under the guidance of Prof. Zhongfan Liu and Prof. Jin Zhang. He worked as a research assistant in Brunel University (2005-2007) and York University (2007-2008). After that, he joined Beijing Institute of Technology in 2008 as a full professor. He joined SINANO in 2013 as a professor and doctoral supervisor. Currently, Prof. Xuetong Zhang is leading the Division of Advanced Materials, Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics, Chinese Academy of Science (SINANO). He is also a visiting professor of University College London, adjunct professor of Nanjing Tech University, Newton Advanced Fellow of the Royal Society, Fellow of the Royal Society, chief scientist of the National Key R&D program of the Ministry of Science and Technology, receiver of Introduction Plan of High Level Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talents in Jiangsu Province, director of Suzhou Key Laboratory of Nano Energy-saving Technology and Low Carbon Building Applications, member of the American Chemical Society, member of Sol-Gel Committee of the Chinese Ceramic Society, member of Nano Chemistry Committee of Chinese Chemical Society, National Natural Science Award expert (Materials' group), member of Chinese Aerogel National Standard Establishment Group, etc.
He was also Outstanding Young Teacher Funding Program Winner of Beijing Institute of Technology, Outstanding Graduate Instructor of Beijing Institute of Technology, Advanced Individual of the School of Materials Science and Technology of Beijing Institute of Technology. The students who were guided by him won the second prize of the "Challenge Cup" National College Students Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition, the third prize of the "Challenge Cup" University Students Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition in Beijing, the Excellent Graduation Thesis of Beijing Institute of Technology, "Materials Star" award of Beijing Institute of Technology and other honors.
His current scientific interests are focused on structural design, controlled synthesis of aerogel materials and their applications. He has authored and co-authored more than 100 refereed journal publications published in Advanced Materials, ACS Nano, Energy & Environmental Science, Advanced Functional Materials, Nano Energy, Materials Horizons, Small, Chemical Communication, Macromolecules etc. (citations more than 5500, H index = 37) In addition, he has applied for 62 Chinese invention patents (28 of which have been authorized) and 2 PCT patents, of which more than 10 Chinese invention patents have been commercialized. Some research results have been promoted and used by some large enterprises. (such as Zhejiang Transfar Chemical Group Co., Ltd., Suzhou Tongxuan New Material Co., Ltd., etc.)